Scientific Breakthrough

The paper “Influence of Au alloying on solid state dewetting kinetics and texture evolution of Ag and Ni thin films” by Martin Dierner, Johannes Will, Michael Landes, Christian Volland, Robert Branscheid, Tobias Zech, Tobias Unruh and Erdmann Spiecker has just been published in the Journal of Surfac...

Category: Allgemein, Scientific Breakthrough

Our CENEM nanowire experts Dr. Lilian Vogl, Dr. Peter Schweizer (now both at EMPA, Thun Switzerland), and Peter Denninger from the Institute of Micro- and Nanostructure Research headed by Prof. Spiecker recently published their work about gold nanowires provided by Gunther Richter from the Max Planc...

Category: Allgemein, Scientific Breakthrough

Crystals are not necessarily hard and resistant but also occur in soft matter when weakly bound molecules arrange in a regular order. Such organic crystals are widespread in pharmaceuticals products, but also occur as tiny nanocrystals in the active layer of organic solar cells. Here, the organic na...

Category: Allgemein, Scientific Breakthrough